Paul Darr for LNC Region 7

Paul Darr

Dear Libertarian Party Members of Region 7,

I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for the position of Libertarian National Committee (LNC) Representative for Region 7. With a deep commitment to advancing the principles of liberty and a track record of dedicated service to the Libertarian Party, I am excited to offer myself as a candidate to represent our region at the national level.

My name is Paul Darr, and I have been a proud member of the Libertarian Party for many years. Throughout my journey as a Libertarian activist, I have tirelessly advocated for individual freedom, limited government, and the protection of civil liberties. My dedication to these core principles has been unwavering, and I am committed to bringing my passion and experience to the role of LNC Representative.

As your representative, I will work tirelessly to ensure that the voice of Region 7 is heard loud and clear within the Libertarian Party. I will strive to foster collaboration and unity among party members, while also advocating for policies that promote personal liberty and economic freedom. I will work to reunite lost affiliates and members and I will be a strong advocate for the issues that matter most to Libertarians in Region 7.

My platform is centered around transparency, accountability, and effectiveness. I believe in open communication with constituents and will always be accessible to address your concerns and ideas at Furthermore, I am committed to upholding the principles of fiscal responsibility within the LNC, ensuring that every dollar is spent wisely to advance the goals of the Libertarian Party.

I invite you to learn more about my candidacy by visiting my website at Together, we can work to build a stronger, more vibrant Libertarian Party that champions the values of freedom and individual rights.

Thank you for considering me as your candidate for LNC Representative for Region 7. With your support, we can make a meaningful difference and advance the cause of liberty for generations to come.


Paul Darr